Legami e correspondenze: Images and words through the XX century

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Galleria d'Arte Moderna

The exhibition occupies all three floors of the museum, presenting 100 works of painting and sculpture of which 85 are part of the permanent collection of the Galleria d’Arte Moderne di Roma Capitale and the rest come from with other municipal museums or private  collections.  These works enter into a dialogue with some of the most important writers of the time which allows each to be re-examined in light of the intense relationship and interactions between the visual arts, literature and poetry that developed in Rome from  the end of the 19th century up until the 1960’s. Guided tour in Italian conducted by Anna Livia Villa.

Each of the six  themes  of the exhibit is dedicated to an important Italian author of the 20th century  (Gabriele D’Annunzio, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Massimo Bontempelli, Luigi Pirandello, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Alberto Moravia) and will be recounted using works of art, books and magazines,  descriptive panels and multimedia tools.  A seventh section will remember the preferred meeting places  where exchange and debate among intellectuals took place and where connections were made, bonds forged,  commonalities discovered,  lines of communication opened between artists, intellectuals, poets and musicians.  These meeting places were to be found in art galleries and private exhibition spaces often housed in unusual locations such as boarding houses, studios and atelier,  shops, cafés and restaurants  and even the pontoon boats moored along the Tiber river, all the sites of meetings between writers and artists, both Italian and foreign.  Exchange was also lively in  the periodicals of the day and the theatre.  This last aspect is illustrated by a guide mapping the most important theatrical performances from 1901 up until the 1960’s.


Place Galleria d'Arte Moderna
Opening hours

September 28, 2013 at 10.30 and 15.30
Maximum number of participants: 30 per group

Entrance ticket

Free admission and guided tour.
Advance Booking is required


Info and Booking: tel. +39 060608, everyday from 9:00 to 21:00

Guided tour

Sovrintendenza Capitolina in collaboration with Zètema Progetto Cultura

Booking compulsory: Sì
Musei in Comune

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