Libero De Libero and the artists of the Cometa Art Gallery

The exhibition aims to show Libero De Libero (Fondi 1903 – Rome 1981) as one of the best intellectuals of the twentieth-century. Still little known to the public, De Libero was a great innovator of the Italian artistic taste in the many fields of his activity: poet, writer, chronicler of art, writer, culture organizer.
The show traces the extraordinary experience of De Libero at the helm of the art gallery "La Cometa", exhibiting 40 works by artists he supported and launched, which now belong to the permanent collection of the Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale. It was during the thirties, in fact, the collection was increased with a large number of acquisitions as well as to provide a comprehensive view of Italian art. To complete the selection, a series of portraits of Libero de Libero, made by the most important artists of the twentieth century and from private collection. Alongside these artworks, a series of unpublished archival materials, from the Rome Quadrenniale, which the heirs of De Libero gave to his private foundation, not yet available to the public for consultation.
The third floor of the museum displays paintings, sculptures, drawings from artists who exhibited at La Cometa over the years, such as Afro, Milena Barilli, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Giovanni Colacicchi, Felice Casorati, Ferruccio Ferrazzi, Nino Franchina, Guglielmo Janni, Carlo Levi, Giacomo Manzu', Roberto Melli, Fausto Pirandello, Gino Severini, Alberto Ziveri. It is a significant series - including acknowledged masterpieces and little-known or unpublished works held in the collection - representing the art to which De Libero was interested: far from the official circuit, independent and open to the stimuli coming from other countries, always in a dialectical relationship with the values of the national tradition.
The catalogue of the exhibition "Libero De Libero e gli artisti della Cometa" is published by Palombi Editori, features essays by Giuseppe Appella, Lorenzo Cantatore, Alessandra Grandelis, oltre che delle curatrici della mostra, Maria Catalano, Federica Pirani, Assunta Porciani.
Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00;
Monday: closed;
Last admission 1/2 hour before closing time.
Adults: € 6,50;
Concessions: € 5,50;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a valid ID) :
- Adults: € 5,50;
- Concessions: € 4,50;
Infoline: +39 060608 (daily, from 9.00 to 21.00)
Promoted by: Roma Capitale - Assessorato alla Cultura, Creatività e Promozione Artistica; Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali; Fondazione La Quadriennale di Roma
Atac; La Repubblica
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