Carole A. Feuerman

In the context of the exhibition project "From La Biennale di Venezia & Open to Rome. International Perspectives"
The general exhibition project "From La Biennale di Venezia & Open to Rome. International Perspectives", started in 2016 by the Sovrintendenza Capitolina in partnership with PDG Arte Communications, curated by Claudio Crescentini and Paolo De Grandis, is dedicated to the presentation in the Capitoline exhibition spaces of some international exhibitions/installations from the International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia and from OPEN International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, linked to the Venice International Film Festival, recomposed and remodelled site-specifically for the capital. The idea is to bring together the art "perspectives" of two cities that are working to bring the experiences of international art to Italy. From the lagoon city to the capital.
The ninth edition is dedicated to Carole A. Feuerman, an internationally recognized sculptor and one of the most important members of the American hyperrealism. "The queen of super-realism", so called by the art critic John Spike. For the Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Feuerman is presenting some sculptures characterised by her best-known style in coloured resin and some more recent works in bronze and gold leaf. The subjects dear to the artist and which have distinguished her expressive path since the 1980s are swimmers, bathers with a poetic inspiration captured in the moment of a suspended stillness and then again athletic figures portrayed in the act of greatest physical tension up to the latest tributes to the great classics such as "The Thinker", perfectly set in parallel and in comparison with the architectural structure of the ancient eighteenth-century monastery that currently houses the GAM exhibition spaces. An interpreter of the excellence of the female body, Carole A. Feuerman evokes, through a reborn candour, her childhood years spent on Long Island as well as her fascination with water and swimming. Her swimmers, in their contemporary grace and perfection, borrow from the past the power of beauty and retain the proportion of great classical sculpture, and harmonise well with the former cloistered spaces of GAM, creating an almost unreal, timeless atmosphere. Bibi on the Ball and Monumental Brooke with beach ball are empathic works of an aesthetic-sensitive immediacy that bring us closer and trigger a direct dialogue with their viewers. On the other hand, the burnished bronze works of renewed material vigour are distinguished by stylistic counterpoints given by the use of gold leaf.
Carole A. Feuerman lives in New York and Florida and has studios both in Manhattan and Jersey City.
She is recognized, along with Duane Hanson and John D'Andrea, as one of the three major American hyperrealist sculptors who initiated the movement in the 1970s. She has taught, lectured and given workshops at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Solomon Guggenheim Museum, Columbia University and Grounds for Sculpture. In 2011 she founded the Carole A. Feuerman Sculpture Foundation. Her work has been included in An American Odyssey 1945-1980 with leading post-World War II American artists. His work is exhibited in the world's most prestigious museums: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The State Hermitage, The Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, The Bass Museum, The Boca Ratum Museum and the Forbes Magazine Art Collection. His art is included in the collections of President and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Frederic R. Weisman Art Foundation, Dr. Henry Kissinger, the Michael Gorbachev Art Foundation, the Malcolm Forbes Magazine Collection and the State Hermitage in Russia. Feuerman's selected awards include Best in Show at the 3rd Beijing International Art Biennale, Beijing, NC, the 2001 Lorenzo De Magnifico Prize for the International Biennale: Of Contemporary Art in Florence, Italy, the 2002 Honorary Prize for the Ausstellungszentrum Heft in Huttenberg, Austria, and the Medici Prize awarded by the City of Florence.
From 14 July to 10 October 2021
from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 18.30
Last entry half an hour before closing time
Closing days
ALWAYS CHECK THE ADVISORY PAGE before planning your visit to the museum
Please see the page: Tickets
Tel. 060608 (every day from 9.00 to 19.00)
Promoted by
Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
In partnership with
PDG Arte Communications
In partnership with
Bel-Air Fine Art
Scientific and technical coordination
Arianna Angelelli and Daniela Vasta
Under the sponsorship of
Embassy of the United States of America in Italy
Museum services
Zètema Progetto Cultura