DALL’ALTO. Aeropittura futurista

Exhibition curated by Massimo Duranti with the collaboration of Andrea Baffoni
Three artworks from the Galleria d'Arte Moderna's collection can be seen in the exhibition D'ALTO. Aeropittura futurista: i dipinti Sensazione di volo - 3° tempo (1929) by Guglielmo Sansoni (Tato) (AM 903); Aeropittura (1934) by Osvaldo Peruzzi (AM 1291); Marinaio nello spazio (Marinetti poeta del Golfo della Spezia) (1934) by Enrico Prampolini (AM 1067).
About one hundred artworks including paintings, drawings, watercolours and aerosculptures, by more than thirty artists, tell the story of Aeropittura and portray this particular development of the Futurist movement: a revolutionary vision of the landscape that translates into vertiginous aerial views, evocative visions from above, now dilated, now distorted or even turned upside down, characterised by essentiality, simultaneity, speed and dynamism.
Among the artists in the exhibition are Gerardo Dottori, Osvaldo Peruzzi, Enrico Prampolini and Tato, as well as a strong presence of Futurist artists, represented by Benedetta Cappa Marinetti, Leandra Angelucci Cominazzini, Barbara and Marisa Mori.