Laboratorio Prampolini #2

Exhibition curated by Alessandra Cappella, Claudio Crescentini, Flavia Pesci, Federica Pirani, Gloria Raimondi and Daniela Vasta
The exhibition is conceived as an exclusive project by means of which attention is drawn to the artistic multilingualism and interdisciplinary approach of Enrico Prampolini, in the period from the 1930s to the 1950s, thus at the peak of the artist's career and design exuberance.
The exhibition presents little known and/or totally unpublished works, drawings, graphic and documentary materials from the various donations made by the Eredi Prampolini to the Sovrintendenza Capitolina. These donations commenced in 1992 and continued until 2020 and of which, the initial nucleus, has already been partly presented to the public in the exhibition entitled Laboratorio Prampolini (curated by F. Pirani, G. Riccio, Rome - MACRO, 2016).
After a period spent exploring and studying the newly acquired materials, and with the first exhibition of a part of the donation, the intention was to reinforce the sense of the workshop and interdisciplinary nature of Prampolini's art. These included painting, set design, architecture, applied arts and graphics, without forgetting the staging of the major exhibitions during the period of the Government, publishing, through to theoretical reflection, promotion and cultural organisation, including critical activity and teaching.
The exhibition focuses on the presence and the comparison of many of his drafts with paintings, art and/or architectural and theatre projects, in a completely new exhibition of its kind and of special scientific importance given also by the unique value of the artistic and documentary collection acquired by Roma Capitale, including unpublished drawings, architectural projects and sketchbooks (1930s-1950s) containing graphic works, drafts and rapid compositions that well represent the artist's great design work as well as his creative and artistic creativity. A powerful graphic collection that in recent years has been revised and studied in great detail in order to be presented in the exhibition, also through the creation of graphic itineraries and iconographic parallels with Prampolini's paintings from the CRDAV Visual Arts Research and Documentation Centre, the Gallery of Modern Art and other important public art collections (GAM Torino, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, MART, the Roberto Casamonti Collection in Firenze,
Museo del Novecento in Firenze, Pinacoteca Palazzo Ricci in Macerata, etc.) and private collections. ) and private collections, in a style and iconographic itinerary that first of all takes into account the relevance of Prampolini's planning following the Futurist experience of the 1910s and the transition to Cubism and then Abstractionism from the 1920s onwards. Within the exhibition special attention is paid to accessibility.
For the visually disabled, a dedicated route is being planned, with relief drawings and related audio descriptions. Free tactile tours, guided by specialised operators, are also available. A catalogue/volume of studies is currently being organised with the publication of detailed essays on the various materials and themes dealt with, which also contain photographic documentation of a great deal of Sovrintendenza material in addition to all the works and graphic and archival documents on display.
Silvana editoriale
23 June 2023 to 14 January 2024
From Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 18.30 hrs.
24th and 31st December from 10.00 to 14.00 hrs.
Last entrance half an hour before closing
Closing days
Mondays, 1 May and 25 December
Tel 060608 (every day from 9.00 to 19.00)
Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali with the organisation of Zètema Progetto Cultura .
Curated by Alessandra Cappella, Claudio Crescentini, Flavia Pesci, Federica Pirani, Gloria Raimondi and Daniela Vasta.
Radio partner Dimensione Suono Soft
Press Room
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