Antonio Mancini e Vincenzo Gemito

Exhibition curated by Massimo Duranti hosted at the Museo Nazionale d'Arte Medievale e Moderna della Basilicata, Palazzo Lanfranchi in Matera.
The painting in the Galleria d'Arte Moderna called Velocità di motoscafo (1922, oil on canvas, inv. AM 890) by Benedetta Cappa Marinetti is included in the exhibition itinerary of the Matera exhibition, describing the important contribution of the Mezzogiorno (South Italy) to the development of the Futurist movement through about 130 works including paintings, sculptures and drawings from public museums, foundations, archives and private collections. The painting is an original example of Futurist research on the representation of movement in space, depicting the effects that the speed of the motorboat produces on water through a synthetic and geometric representation of dynamism.