The Bookshop
Il bookshop della Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale vi accoglie all'ingresso del primo piano, negli spazi antistanti la biglietteria.
Il curato assortimento prevede testi relativi ai più grandi movimenti della fine dell'Ottocento e della prima metà del Novecento italiano, dal Simbolismo al Futurismo, dal Realismo Magico alla Scuola Romana.

The bookshop of the Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma Capitale welcomes you at the entrance of the first floor, in the area in front of the ticket office.
The well-chosen selection of texts related to the greatest movements of the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century in Italy, from Symbolism to Futurism, from Magic Realism to the Scuola Romana.
Alongside the catalogue of the current exhibition, there is a large space dedicated to the monographs of the artists active in Rome and present in the collection, to the catalogues of the other exhibitions of the Roma Capitale museum circuit, without neglecting international contemporary art. A choice that includes art publishing from historical names to the most recent ones.
An interesting selection of postcards, magnets, books and games for children, designer jewellery and creative gift ideas will also accompany you in choosing the perfect souvenir of your visit.
For those subscribing to the newsletter of the Musei in Comune there is a 10% discount.
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10% discount for MIC card and Lazio Youth Card holders
Offer not valid for exhibition catalogues and not combinable with other current promotions
Phone 06 68309473